Monday, June 16, 2014

Here for a second//Gone in a flash

I am here. I'm in LA! Never thought I'd be saying that. However, now that I'm here I'm so incredibly glad that this is the path I've chosen. I opted to take the road less traveled(aka the long route) to California. We left June 2nd from Georgia and arrived in Los Angeles, CA on June 7th.

One of my millions of pictures of the road...

Oh the things we saw...Of course, I packed a million things to do on the long road there. When one thinks of a three or four day journey one would assume boredom would rear it's ugly head. However, as the trip progressed I found myself just staring out the window and just taking in all the broadly diverse landscapes as we crossed each state line. I gotta say me and my roadie made some good time. The 1st day we made it to Texas, 2nd day we made it all the way through Texas to Tucson, Arizona and chilled there for a bit, hit up the Grand Canyon on Day 4, and Day 5 we were in California!

View from our digs in Tucson, Arizona.

The Grandest of Canyons

I started my internship at A. Smith & Co. June 8th, and after a little elevator drama I found my way. The company I'm working for does unscripted show production. The most notable things they've been responsible for are Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, America Ninja Warrior and also my guilty pleasures from back in the day The Swan and The World According to Paris (don't judge)I really dig the work environment and getting the chance to meet new people. I've done some odd jobs here and there including: research for a potential new show, watched sizzle reels and took notes, and organized spreadsheets.

While I've been in LA I've gotten a chance to experience some pretty cool things. We spent an afternoon in Beverly Hills and walked down Rodeo Drive, went to The Laugh Factory, spent Saturday in Venice for some beach time, and last but not least we went to some pretty awesome film chats at the LA Film Festival on Sunday.

I took notes on my phone like a are some quotes that inspired me from each of the chats!

Whatever happens, love this job and eventually it'll love you back.

The thing you least expect might lead you to somewhere else...

Write great stuff whether you're inspired or not.

When you finish a script it's kind of like when you have a new baby. You think it's perfect and there's nothing wrong with it. You need to keep the people with you that'll be truthful and tell you it's ugly and still love you.

The moment you realize you're not done, yes you can enjoy the oxytocin in the end, but then you can enjoy the process.

Cleverness is the enemy of truth.

Actors panel at LA Film Fest 2014.

Now starting today, I got a chance to brave the busy, traffic laden streets of Los Angeles where turn signals are merely warnings to fellow drivers. And honestly, if you don't almost get into an accident at least 5 times in one day you're doing pretty well my friend. Better than me, that's for for now my friends I'm just here for this incredible two month ride and can't wait to see where I end up!

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