Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy//IMAX

A few weeks ago I heard that Marvel Studios would release 17 minutes of footage from Guardians of the Galaxy as part of an exclusive first-look event in 150 IMAX theaters across the U.S. and Canada.  And as I currently live in the city I do there were about a million theaters showing this exclusive first look. We chose the Chinese theater, which was an amazing experience in itself! The footage I saw was incredible and it slightly kills my soul a bit that our departure date and its release go hand in hand. But let's get technical for a second...after I watched the footage in IMAX, as part of their promotion, I thought about this marketing approach and I was impressed. Honestly, it was genius. This not only satisfied the fans hunger for more footage but also gave us a chance to experience the film in the most expensive format. Now that we've experienced "the best" the transition back to standard seems unlikely. I know I'm gonna see it in IMAX 3D after yesterday. So basically, we got a free treat in exchange for a hefty return on the non-existent investment. Well played higher powers that be, well played. I feel sufficiently manipulated, in the best possible sense (of course).

Source: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/guardians-galaxy-get-imax-preview-715415

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