Thursday, August 7, 2014

West Coast//East Coast

This week. I changed coasts over a period of days. It was kind of crazy but I feel so incredibly blessed that I was even able to do it in the first place. All right, let's get on to my crazy week in LA/GA, shall we?

This week my internship started and ended bright and early with continuing my research for their future projects. Although the work has remained the same I've been extremely thankful for such a chill work environment that makes me feel comfortable and appreciated. Places like that are hard to come by sometimes...Thanks A. Smith!

Tuesday we had class which was composed of our pitching sessions. It was really cool to see how diverse our projects were. They ranged from intriguing dramas to chilling American Horror Story-esque mini series' to complicated stories of futuristic romances, very entertaining. However, I pitched a potential documentary following a girl or guy who willingly chooses not to pay for college housing by moving from building to building living "on campus" but for free. Crazy? Maybe. But if I could find someone passionate enough it could definitely be interesting. After that we got the chance to be part of a studio audience again at Chelsea Lately...once again not very glamorous waiting in line BUT we did get to sit quite close which was super exciting for my roomie Emily. And all too soon it was over and we were leaving. It's amazing how quickly a 30 min show will go by. I swear I blinked and it was already over.

Chelsea Lately!

Later on, a friend and I went to a hang-out at a park for a church called C3 Silverlake. And this church was just so incredibly welcoming that if I do in fact move back to LA I think I would definitely consider making C3 Silverlake my church home. Crazy to think about but exciting! The message I heard the first day was something very powerful all about being rejected because of choosing to follow Christ. We studied in 2 Corinthians 5:16-17.

From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  

- Sometimes you will be rejected because you're not what people expected AND sometimes you'll be rejected because you're not what they remembered.


All I have to say is finding a place where you belong in such a big place can be hard but nothing is impossible when you're where God wants you! When I got home me, my roommate Jenna, and our honorary roommate Sam watched The Phantom of the Opera and sang the night away(we all knew the words by heart). Though the songs we sang were not entirely audible or on key it definitely stands out as a highlight out of my many evenings in LA, it was adorable and I loved it!

Wednesday I interned in the morning and came home to pack up for my trip back to GA. It was sad because I didn't want to leave or miss anything but GA called as one of my best friends from college was getting married....So I began to was an odd experience to pack knowing I still had one week left in LA and to realize truly how fast time had gone. To give you a visual's a pic of all the tickets and papers I've accumulated from events in the past few weeks...

My junk. My memories.

My flight from LAX was at 6:48 Thursday morning and when it's typically advised to get to flights a couple hours early...guess who set an alarm for 3AM? And guess who woke up 20 minutes late? But alas all things worked out. I've always been leery of plane flights since after this trip I can count on one hand how many times I've actually flown in a plane. However, my bags got checked, I got through security and I touched down in good ole GA at 2:15, greeted by the first rain I'd seen in weeks! It never rains in California. Of course my day was shot due to the time difference but I got a chance to not only get some of my favorite southern fast food at Zaxby's but to also visit my second family and my best friend for the evening. And even though my visit was brief I loved seeing them!

Friday evening was Jodi and Jeremy's rehearsal dinner. It was brief and lovely. Then I went to Zaxby's for a second time to see my dear friends and meet my best friend Mae's Corgi Cap n' Chubs (aka my nephew)!

Church friends and Cap n' Chubs!
Saturday was the big day! I saw my best friend of the past 3 years marry her best friend. We met at community college and all I have to say is, "Never overlook those transitional periods in life. Just because you don't think they're great doesn't mean God can't use them regardless." Anyways, the wedding was beautiful! It was outside at a country club and it was sweltering at the beginning but once time passed by the sun went down and it was relatively cool (I mean we live in GA) for the wedding! It went by in a flash, tons of pictures, great friends, and all in all just a happy day! Congrats Jodi & Jeremy!

My bridesmaid bouquet.

Then all too soon I was back in LA ready to embark on my last week! My roommate picked me up at the airport and then after a quick nap we were off to LA's warehouse district to polish off filming for our group was great fun! After all of that was done we went to Santa Monica to have dinner with my roommate's cousin who was in town. He was the lead singer in the band "Collective Soul." It was super cool and I think I speak for all my roommates when I say we totally felt like groupies hanging with all these musicians for the night and it was SUPER cool!

No words. This is insanely gorgeous. Seriously.

What would a silly group project be without a fun picture, I ask you?

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