Tuesday, July 1, 2014

LA Ciné//Golden Men

Well, goodbye June it's been great. I can't believe I've been here a month now. I'm finding myself slowly becoming acclimated to this town and the fast paced lifestyle. I use to be so intimidated by new things and venturing out of my comfort zone but it's not so scary anymore...and don't tell my mom but I think I could see this place as home!

This week was pretty busy. We started off with a documentary panel, went to the season 2 premiere of The Bridge, a screening of the film 25th Hour with director Spike Lee, ventured to Huntington Beach, went to see the film Edge of Tomorrow, and finished off the week with a Grady Alumni dinner.

The documentary panel was really interesting. The panel was comprised of only women which was inspiring to see so many talented women promoting their hard work. The two documentary projects that stood out the most were the one's about an eccentric company that does a lot of recycling and repurposing in artistic ways and the other was a documentary following a woman's battle with cancer as she was passing away, which looked both beautiful and heartbreaking. The event was held at a little hipster movie theater that reminded me a lot of my favorite theater back in Athens called Ciné. And come to find out (after I followed them on twitter) I found out that they're part of some little hipster theater family which is kind of adorable...

Friendly neighborhood Los Angeles Ciné.

Lovely ladies speaking for the Doc U Panel.

Next, we went to the Season 2 Premiere for The Bridge at The Paley Center in Beverly Hills. I may have fangirled slightly getting the chance to see Demian Bichir (again..after LAFF) and Diane Kruger so close or as she's affectionately known in the Rowe house as "that chick in National Treasure." I had originally planned on binge watching the first season in preparation for this premiere but didn't....so I watched the second season premiere not knowing at all what the recaps were referring to. HOWEVER, I did enter a contest for a chance to win the first season on DVD and found out today that I won! So I guess now I have no excuse. My reaction to the season 2 premiere was positive. The setting and subject matter of the show reminded me very much of Breaking Bad, which I happened to binge watch this time last summer. It kind of reminded me how much I miss it. Now I think I'm ready to jump in to The Bridge!

Cast of The Bridge.

Last event of the week was the screening of the Spike Lee film 25th Hour starring Edward Norton, Rosario Dawson, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. It was such an incredible experience to not only screen a film at The Academy of Motion Picture of Arts and Sciences BUT to also hear Spike Lee speak, which is apparently a rarity. I felt honored. Spike Lee was an interesting character from his abrupt entrance(that caught even the mediator off guard) to his short responses for his questions, it was an enjoyable experience. And on top of that....he sat literally two seats away from me on our row through the beginning credits which was CRAZY! It's really insane to think that his film Do The Right Thing was one of the first films I watched in my early film classes and now a few years later I not only saw one of his films at AMPAS but also got to hear him speak. I'm a little star struck, can you tell?

I like my men gold.

This past Saturday me, my roomies, and friends went to Huntington Beach. The beach was surprisingly overcast which was terrible for sunbathing but perfect for taking pictures! My lovely roommate Ali took pictures of us on the beach, we went out for lunch, and ended the day with some ice cream. It was kind of perfect.

Me and the roomies.

Sunday was a lazy day. I woke up around 11:00, made some breakfast and vegged with my roommates and then low and behold at 1:09 I was invited to go see Edge of Tomorrow at Universal at 1:50. This is the problem when guys plan. Anyways, after arriving at the movie about 10 minutes late and sitting on one of the front rows, I'm pretty sure this film stands out as one of my favorite summer films this year. I described it to a friend as kind of like the film Source Code but way better. The editing in the film was perfectly executed. The film replays the same battle over and over again and surprisingly I never got bored. And if I need to further explain how invested I was in this film...I brought a bottle of water and I didn't end up opening it until the credits. That's how into this film I was. Just see it.

That evening we had a Grady Alumni dinner where previous Grady graduates talked about their lives in Los Angeles and their current jobs. It was super encouraging and inspiring to hear from students who were in exactly the same place as us many moons ago and now they're making it. I don't know, it just makes me hopeful that I can do it too.

The search for youtube videos continued for my internship on Monday and Wednesday. However, the week ended with me getting the chance to sit in on a meeting where potential new shows were pitched and I got to give my feedback on another potential show. Oh my gosh guys, my opinion matters. Who'd've thunk it?

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